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Sometimes it is easier to explain something to someone face to face, rather emailing them. With some College groups in UK covering a very large geographical area this is not always possible. That is where screen recording software can come in, However with many education institutions not allowing students or staff to install software, we need to look for a another solution.
That is where chrome extensions come in, they allow the user to add extra functionality to the browser without the need to install anything on the actual computer. (click here to see my video on Chrome Extensions).
Viewed it (Vidyard as it is now called) is a Chrome Extension that allows you to record your screen, your camera and sound. Firstly go to the Chromestore and search 'ViewedIt ' then click add to Chrome and 'Add Extension' when the pop up box appears. A little green face icon will appear to the right of the URL address bar once it has been successfully added. The bring up the screen you want to record and click on the green extension icon.
The following popup box appears

Choose wether you want to record a tab, the whole screen or just the web cam, then select the cam and mic as appropriate and press record, the first time it will ask permission to use the camera and microphone. When finished recording click back on the green extension icon to stop the recording.
It will give you a preview of the video, allow you to rename it, and share it via mail, link or social media. I could see this being a really useful tool for creating flipped learning content, audio and video feeback or software demo's, or as a way of student recording their presentations ahead of sharing them with peers via class community
Here is my view walk through on using Vidyard formerly Viewedit