Link to site: https://www.google.com/maps
Field trips can be a keep part of the curriculum, through experiential learning, students are more likely to remember associated information.
Thats where Google My maps comes in, it is part of Google drive and enables the user to create a a map, adding markers to highlight certain locations, add directions for traveling by foot, bicycle and car, you can also measure a distance between two locations. The competed map can then be shared and collaborated on as you would with a Google doc.
My first map can been seen here

I could see this site being really useful, for students on a travel and tourism courses
in that they could research and plan a trip, say a city break working out how long it would take to get from location to location and the best routes based on wether they were walking or cycling or traveling by car.
With more courses requiring students to do work experience I could also see it being very useful for helping them to workout how long and which was the best route for them to use to get to there work placement.
From a teacher perspective this could be a great way to plan a field trip, or to enable their student explore the area before they go.
Here is my video walk through guide to using Google My Maps