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Are you bored with using powerpoint or Google slides for your presentations, or always asking your students to submit essays for assignments, Thats where Piktochart comes in, harness the power of visual communication, let the images do the talking, with this infographic creator.
It is easy to use and packed with lots of templates for creating long thin infographics, presentations and A4 style posters you can add charts, text, videos, shapes and images from their large image bank.
With a simple drag and drop interface it is very easy to edit. The completed info-graphic can then be embedded in a web page, shared via a link or downloaded as a PNG format file.
A great and appealing way for tutors and students alike to present information on a particular topic , or collate and present their research.
You can also add video's from Youtube, to make a play list on a particular theme.
Piktochart can be accessed via the browser and as an iPad app.