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What is it
Wether it is gathering information, to help decide on which areas to proceed with or checking the understanding of your students at the end of a lesson, survey and quizzes can be a very useful way to achieve this. For a while now Google has had their survey tool called forms and now Microsoft have followed suit with there own version also called forms. This is great news if your School or College uses Office 365 as oppose to Google apps. How to use it There are a number of different question types available including, multiple choice, free text, a start rating option. a date query, a ranking and a likert whcih allows you to create a grid based multiple answer question. Images and videos can also be added to the questions, videos can be added via an URL, images can be uploaded from your computer or chosen from Onedrive. it is easy to reorder the questions and once your survey is finished you can share it via a link, via QR code, embed it in to a web page or email a link. You can also choose wether to share the form within your organisation only or to any one with the link. As with google forms once you have had responses to your survey questions you can either view a quick visual summary featuring bar graphs and pie charts or you can also view the responses in the form a spreadsheet via Excel. When to use it I think teachers could make use of forms in a number of different way including as part of an exit ticket activity. It could also be used as a way of checking learning and helping the teacher to understand student progress midway through a lesson. I could also seen it being used as a connect activity to see how much prior knowledge students have of a subject before the lesson starts. Students could use it to help them to gather primary research. By creating a survey, then analysing the response data received. This would potentially offer an opportunity to embed some maths such as percentages. For more ideas on using it check out my infographic
