Link to site: https://www.voki.com/
As mentioned in previous blogs alongside developing skills related to the student chosen vocational subject we need to provide opportunities for students to develop their digital skills.
A great way to enable this is by looking to set alternative forms of assignment submission, in other words not just relying on the written word. That is where Voki Creator comes in It is available in the browser and as an app for both Apple and Android.
I could see teachers using this site to create talking avatars to welcome students to online modules. I could also see students using the site for generating assignments or creating presentations in the form of talking avatars.
Here is my video guide to using Voki
Having logged in, first you choose the character from the following options: Careers, classic, toons, anime, animals, edgy and oddballs. Then you can edit their appearance, changing hair style, style of mouth and mustache if they have one. Having chosen those you can tweak size of mouth, nose body height and width, followed by clothing and bling.
Having customised your character you can add a voice by, using your phone, using the text to type function, using a microphone to record a voice over or upload an audio file.
You can then alter the background choosing for number of different options or uploading you own image.You share your finished Voki via social media, a link or email.
Here is my first attempt

Beware the choices with stars by then are only accessible if you upgrade to premium, but I feel there is enough choice without have to do that.