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Class Dojo - create an online classroom community

Writer's picture: James KieftJames Kieft

Link to site: With digital skills being seen as important as English and Maths surely it makes sense that we get are young people using computers as part of their learning from an early age. One of the best ways to achieve this is to have some sort of online class portal to allow them to access information whilst also being able to post and comment on information shared. It also benefits them in getting them used to using such platform ahead of moving on to further or higher education. That is where ClassDojo comes in, it is very much like to Google Classroom just aimed at a younger audience, It allows you the teacher to post information via images or documents to students directly or to a whole class. Those posted to students directly can also be viewed by parents if invited. I believe it's a great introduction for student to working and collaborating online the use of character icons add a bit of fun. As I've said in previous blog posts motivation and emotion are key elements in to successfully engaging students in their learning. A key function of ClassDojo is it allows you the teacher congratulate a student by sharing a positive attribute or identify an area that needs work, you can rate the strength by giving a value from 1 to 5 or an area that needs work by giveing a minus value from -5 to -1 as a way of encouraging them to work better. I could see this being a really useful tool for teachers to communicate with their class and student’s parents whilst also enabling them to help the student to identify areas of strength or those in need for development. Here is my video guide to teachers

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